Manhattan Legacy Service LLC (MLS) is a woman-owned small business (WOSB) that supports private and government projects by providing highly experienced and trained experts in a full spectrum of professional services.
We employ a range of experienced personnel who specialize in:
Program Management
Data File Support
Material Control
Intelligence Analysis
Biology Consulting
Chemistry and Design
Security Escort Services
Cybersecurity Support Services
Located in Knoxville, MLS currently employs experts with extensive experience at both Y-12 National Security Complex and Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Our clients include:
U.S. Department of Energy
U.S. Federal Agencies
Government contractors
Private industry
Manhattan Legacy Service is based on the history of the Manhattan project, its association with Oak Ridge, and the legacy of the area and our team. One of the definitions of “legacy” is “software that is difficult to replace because of its wide usage.” Another definition is “something conveyed from one person to another.” This is how we want MLS to be recognized- conveying our knowledge to your project and employees.